Open-E webcast
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    Installing Open-E DSS V7 with two SSDs in a RAID 1

    Installing Open-E DSS V7 in your system may be done in multiple ways. In this webcast, our host presents how to use SSD drives in a RAID 1 configuration as a boot drive.
    Additionally, you will be given a lot of practical tips about the installation of our software in general.

    Together with our moderator, you will go through the process of configuring SSDs in a RAID 1 using the onboard RAID controller and installing our software into the RAID logical unit. You will also find out what happens if one of the disks in RAID fails.

    Furthermore, our webinar will bring you some answers to the following questions:

    • Which boot media can we use to install Open-E DSS V7?
    • How to use logs to determine where Open-E DSS V7 has been installed?
    • Is it a good idea to use large USB flash drive as a boot installer?
    • Where to find release notes for the latest version of Open-E DSS V7?
    • Are we limited to 60 days only with using TRIAL version?
    • Where to find your Open-E DSS V7 product key anytime?
    • How to activate your Open-E DSS V7 from the offline site?

    Enjoy watching our webcast here:
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    1 Comment

    • Tess

      May 21, 05 2013 06:17:43

      You did a very good job explaining the stuff, thanks for bringing this up.

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