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    Tested: QLogic Intelligent Ethernet Adapter QLE3442-CU-CK with Open-E software

    Enterprise data storage solutions need a robust testing environment that is evaluated by replicating situations from the real world. That’s why Open-E’s partners regularly test their hardware in our laboratories. Systems that have been certified by Open-E’s engineers’ are fully compatible with Open-E storage software and considered suitable for all storage applications – performing even better in specific setups, depending on the equipment and configuration.

    About QLE3442-CU-CK (SFP+)

    The network adapter from QLogic delivers 10GbE performance across two ports. It’s a great choice for workload-intense virtualized computing environments. Through switch-independent NIC partitioning it enables provisioning of 10GbE ports for greater flexibility during deployment and improves CPU utilization for TCP/IP network traffic. The adapters can use either copper or optical connectors.

    Module ModelQLogic FTLX8571D3BCL-QL
    Bus InterfacePCI Express Gen3 x8
    Firmwarebc 7.10.36
    ManufacturerQLogic 3400 Series

    Testing methodologies

    Open-E’s engineers used the following software to perform benchmarks:

    • FIO – an I/O performance benchmarking utility for Linux, UNIX-like systems and Windows

    We tested the QLogic network adapter (driver version 1.78.58) with Open-E JovianDSS (b12855) software defined storage and Open-E DSS V7 (b10529).

    These are the profiles that were used for the tests:

    ProfileBlock SizeRandomSequentialREADWRITEIO DepthJob Amount
    Exchange 20034KB8020604031
    Exchange 20078KB8020554531
    SQL Server16KB1000663421
    Media Streaming64KB010095582
    WEB Server4KB1000100082


    Performance Benchmarks

    Open-E engineers tested specific profiles to determine strengths and weaknesses of each component. These are the results:

    Performance benchmark Open-E JovianDSS and Qlogic network adapter

    Performance benchmark Open-E DSSV7 and Qlogic network adapter


    The QLogic Intelligent Ethernet Adapter QLE3442-CU-CK successfully passed all storage performance and IOPS tests. It provides host offload, which is especially useful in virtualized server environments. Our engineers recommend the adpaters to be used for any storage scenario. The card especially performed well with software-defined Open-E JovianDSS – reaching its maximum performance.

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    1 Comment

    • Rachel D.

      June 16, 06 2015 10:50:00

      Awesome review and test. Just what I needed. Thanks!

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